Julia Brungs
I work as a community relations specialist for the Foundation's Advancement Department. I work mainly with the fundraising teams.
Wikimedia Foundation Fundraising Banner Message Workshop
Julia Brungs
This will be a hands-on session looking at the fundraising banners and inviting people to share their ideas to prepare for the English campaign together.
Contributor/Community Engagement
Istanbul (10)
Peer Support for Developing and Accelerating Affiliate Fundraising
Julia Brungs, Amy Fowler
This session will look at developing peer support to accelerate fundraising across our movement. We will start off with hearing from affiliates who successfully fundraise on what works and what does not for them. We then open up space for a discussion on where fundraising interested parties are in their fundraising journey and what support they would need to advance further.
Governance & Strategy (alternatively, Governance or Strategy)
Tbilisi (7)