Jocelyn Miyara
Jocelyn manages projects and programs related to the CC Global Community & License Stewardship. Prior to this role, she worked for over a year as CC’s Open Culture Manager.
Before CC, Jocelyn worked at The New York Public Library for over five years, first as a Special Projects Manager in the President’s Office, and later as a Program Manager for their Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Access team. This work helped her cultivate a passion for furthering equitable policies and practices, collaborative project management, and supporting the free exchange of knowledge and culture.
When not she’s not working, Jocelyn can be found in yoga class, reading about history, or dancing at one of her favorite concert venues. Jocelyn is based in Brooklyn, New York.
Art is often meant to provoke and convince. In this workshop, we will use public domain art to create propaganda posters to share our favorite reasons to go Open in the Cultural Heritage Sector.
Our session would be a panel discussion highlighting the learnings from a side event on "Shared Advocacy for the Knowledge Commons" organized by Creative Commons, Open Future, Open Knowledge Foundation, and Wikimedia Europe Wikimania’s day zero. This event will bring together 50-60 activists and experts with an interest in broadly understood advocacy work (including communication and technology experts). During the panel session the organizers, together with participants, will be able to report back the outcomes of the side event back to the Wikimania community.