Wikimania 2024

Rediscovering Chile's railway heritage at EFE's Documentary Centre
2024-08-07 , Lviv (21+22+23) (interpretation)
Language: English

This session highlights the work of exploring and documenting Chile's railway heritage through the archives of the Documentary Centre of the State Railway Company (EFE). It will address the process of rediscovering valuable historical records, from photographs and plans to technical documents, and how these inputs enrich the railway narrative on public access platforms such as Wikimedia projects. The presentation will underline the importance of digitisation and documentary preservation in the promotion and dissemination of the Chilean railway legacy, supporting the preservation of national history and heritage.

The presentation "Patrimonio Ferroviario EFE: Una Revisión Documental" is proposed as a journey through time, rescuing the rich history and legacy of Chilean railway heritage, focusing on the valuable documentary findings housed by the Documentary Centre of the Empresa de los Ferrocarriles del Estado (EFE). This 25-minute session seeks to illuminate the painstaking process of digitisation, classification and enhancement of a vast historical archive, demonstrating how collaboration and open access revitalise the narrative of railway heritage in the digital realm.
This presentation aims to make the Chilean Railway Heritage visible, highlighting its significant contribution to the economic, social and cultural development of the country, especially in the year in which the State Railway Company celebrates its 140th anniversary. It will focus on the crucial digitisation and preservation work carried out by EFE's Documentary Centre, detailing the technical and logistical process involved in making the historical archive digitally accessible. The importance of collaboration between institutions and volunteers in this effort will be underlined. In addition, the project's contributions to open access and education will be highlighted, showing how it improves the availability of information on railway heritage on platforms such as Wikipedia, in line with the principles of the Wikimedia community. Finally, it will reflect on the project's impact on cultural heritage conservation and its potential to drive future research and educational projects.
The presentation will be supported by visual material derived from EFE's historical archive, including photographs before and after digitisation, examples of catalogued documents and statistics demonstrating the scope of the project. The audience will be invited to reflect on the importance of digital preservation and open access to knowledge, especially with regard to cultural and historical heritage.
At the end, there will be a space for questions and participants will have a deeper understanding of the value of Chilean railway heritage, the importance of digitisation efforts and how collaborative projects can enrich public knowledge and preserve history for future generations.

Session recording:

How does your session relate to the event themes: Collaboration of the Open?*:

Esta sesión resalta el papel de la Colaboración Abierta en la preservación y difusión del Patrimonio Ferroviario Chileno, enfocándose en cómo la cooperación entre voluntarios, instituciones y la comunidad Wikimedia ha permitido digitalizar y catalogar valiosos archivos históricos de EFE. Este esfuerzo colectivo no solo mejora el acceso al conocimiento sobre el legado ferroviario en plataformas de acceso libre como Wikipedia, sino que también celebra la colaboración como un medio vital para la conservación cultural y la educación. La sesión subraya cómo la colaboración abierta impulsa proyectos que benefician a la sociedad, alineándose perfectamente con los principios del evento.

What is the experience level needed for the audience for your session?*:

Everyone can participate in this session

How do you plan to deliver this session?*:

Onsite in Katowice

What other themes or topics does your session fit into? Please choose from the list of tags below.:

Collaboration, Affiliates, Grants

See also: enlace presentación en google slides

Luis Carrasco es Biólogo Marino con mención académica en Recursos Naturales y Derecho Ambiental, y cursa un Master en Políticas Públicas en la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Le interesan las políticas públicas que protegen y gestionan la biodiversidad y los ecosistemas de Chile, su país natal. Es editor de Wikipedia en español desde 2008 y Director de Wikimedia Chile desde 2020. Es durante este período de tiempo que comprendió la importancia del acceso libre y abierto a todas las fuentes de conocimiento, para cualquier persona que busque saber. Quienes lo conocen saben que siempre está involucrado en diversos proyectos de participación ciudadana, conocimiento libre, medio ambiente, diversidad sexual y juventud.

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