Language: English
08-10, 13:30–14:55 (Poland), Warsaw (20+24)(interpretation)
We want to make it easier for people to learn from Wikipedia. This will require the usage of new technologies and ways of delivering content we have not previously explored - from generating article recommendations to using machine learning to remix or summarize various pieces of information.
How do we ensure we build these systems in an ethical way, while retaining editorial control for communities?
In the fiscal year 2024-25, product and technology teams within the WMF will begin introducing new curated, accessible, and community-driven browsing and learning experiences. Some of these experiences will appear in the form of recommendations, and many will require machine learning models and other APIs. Others might rely on existing curation that communities are doing right now. We propose a session to introduce communities to the purpose of this work and to begin brainstorming what curation can look like in the future. We would like to:
- Identify what concerns communities have with recommendation systems and what community-approved and ethical ways to use these systems could look like
- Collaborate on a way to define any necessary community oversight and editorial control within these proposed features
- Brainstorm ways we can use community-curated content to provide a better experience for readers and make it easier for them to discover content and learn
Session recording:
This session will focus on new possible ways of collaboration, specifically exploring opportunities for communities and editors to collaborate and have editorial control over machine generated content suggestions and remixed content.
What is the experience level needed for the audience for your session?* –Everyone can participate in this session
How do you plan to deliver this session?* –Onsite in Katowice
What other themes or topics does your session fit into? Please choose from the list of tags below. –Collaboration, Product development
Polish Wikipedian since 2010, admin of Polish Wikipedia since 2011, Lead Movement Communications Specialist working with Product & Technology at the Wikimedia Foundation. As a volunteer, on the Wikimania 2024 Core Organizing Team.
Between 2019 and 2022, the Vice-Chair and Secretary of the Board at Wikimedia Polska.