Wikimania 2024

Media literacy as tool to reach for the Collaboration of Open
2024-08-10 , Dilijan (3) (interpretation)
Language: English

Promoting Wikimedia and Wikipedia editing among our main target groups in educational programmes has been sometimes more and sometimes less successful. Until we open up to elaborate on a specific area - media literacy.
In that moment our activities and programming became an answer for the diverse set of needs among our partners and participants. And through that channel we found a common language and became an important stakeholder in the field of media literacy education and lifelong learning within the country.
We have the perfect playground available, where we can provide real time experiences on some of the phenomena.

We have the perfect playground available, clear set of rules and via competence based work we can offer and design functional programmes and provide with real time experiences on some of the phenomena out there in the world of disinformation and media literacy.
It is called The Wikimedia projects! :)
We went on that learning curve and via asking our partners and participants repeatedly we discovered, we can contribute to the educational field by:
less focusing on our own needs of “more edits and editors”
making sure we are understood - anybody will leave with first positive experience of Wikipedia and Wikimedia projects, not necessarily editing one, rather as informed user
providing our partners and media literacy guild (teachers, universities, NGOs, libraries, government…) with a thematic Portal: Media literacy and space at Wikiversity which we are developing together as a shared open access knowledge base.
So far the benefits are:
we are recognised as strong stakeholder in the field
we are invited into cooperation and are able to fundraise or partially co-fund activities we run with our partners
all our target groups get involved in this area, since it is a shared competence area to work on, across the fields and across the age groups!
by focusing on the content and system we actually are receiving “more edits and editors” at last
In this lecture we would like to share this top down view on the thematic area and how we work with it as well as showing concrete examples how different target groups and partners are involved or contribute.

Session recording:

How does your session relate to the event themes: Collaboration of the Open?*:

Focusing on media literacy has been clearly a channel for us, how to reach closer collaboration with many other players on the field and become recognised. It made us more relevant on the market.

What is the experience level needed for the audience for your session?*:

Everyone can participate in this session

How do you plan to deliver this session?*:

Onsite in Katowice

What other themes or topics does your session fit into? Please choose from the list of tags below.:

Collaboration, Campaigns, Capacity building, Grants

See also: Presentation slides

I was born in Prague and currently I live in a little town nearby. Europe in general has been my home for the past 20 years, I have lived in Lithuania and the UK and got a job gig in most of the European countries.
I'm a member and (part-time) Education programmes manager of Wikimedia Czech Republic since May 2019. Since January 2023 I am full-timer, currently as well managing Programmes for Community (editathons, events, campaigns, photographer community).
We run three main programs - Education (4 individual programmes), Community (editors & photographers) and Partnerships (where Wikidata and advocacy fall into).
Most of my work-life I have spend in field of education; mainly the non-formal. I am familiar with and passionate about Youth Work, Learning Experience Design, LifeLong Learning, Erasmus+ programme, Facilitation & Art of Hosting, Graphic facilitation, Impact, Sustainability and Green Events production of events and activities. I do occasionally write publish articles, educational materials and do editors job - e.g. for Council of Europe.
My life got enriched by many things such as: Ultimate Frisbee, slackline, urban cycling or contact improvisation. I love skiing, cross-country skiing, ice-skating and many other sports.
Since 2020 I am a Trager Approach Student and Practitioner. I hold a Greener Event Accessor Certification from Falthmount University in the UK.

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I live in Olomouc and since 2022 I'm a Chief Trainer of Wikimedia Czech Republic since February 2022. Since December 2023 I also became Partnership Programmes Manager of WMCR. In Wikimedia Czech Republic, we run three main programs - EDUcational Programs, Programs for Community and and Programs for Partnerships.

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I live in Prague and I have been a member and Executive Director of Wikimedia Czech Republic since March 2018. I have been a member of the CEE Hub steering committee since the CEE Meeting 2022 and have long been an active member of the CEE community. I am one of the initiators of the CEE Youth group.
In Wikimedia Czech Republic, we run three main programs - EDUcational Programs, Programs for Community and Programs for Partnerships.
I studied social policy and social work and I used to work as a program manager and director at different Czech NGOs and also at the Czech Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs.

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